Monday, February 7, 2011

Well there wasn't any internet service yesterday but overall yesterday and today were very similar for AJ. They finally put him on a Lasix drip yesterday to get his swelling down. There is a noticeable difference. His temperature has also been more regular and he is no longer cold to the touch. His heart rhythm has been normal, as well. Today, they took off his bandage on his incision. It looks much better than it did after his previous surgeries. Last night he got a little restless and they had to give him an extra sedation medication. They all agree that he has attitude and let's them know what he wants. The nurses are doing a great job at keeping him comfortable but not completely doped up (unlike St. Vincent if I don't mind saying so). The goal for tonight is to keep him comfortable and stable. If the nurses feel that he is strong enough, they will try to ween him off of the ventilator sometime tomorrow. If he does, that's great but if not then that's fine too. No need to rush him if he's not completely ready. I appreciate that they are going at his pace and not their own. So far, all of his nurses have been wonderful. And I am finally finding my way around the place without getting lost! I pray that he will continue to be strong and will heal well.    

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