Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So today was definitely a rough day. AJ's pigtail tube was not able to be taken out. When they prepped him they unseal the drainage and let it suction. Well it suctioned more than what was supposed to be there. So his left side is still in a great deal of pain. They also took off the dressing from his previous tube that was on the left side. It was moist but was forming a scab. So that is good.

So, of course, before every feeding was the time that he decided to take a quick nap. Thus, I only was able to introduce a bottle to him once. The bottle had apple juice in it because Enfaport is just disgusting. He really was not in the mood for anything. OT also brought up some baby food. Pears (she must have randomly chose them). He liked them but it was so difficult to try to get him comfortable with the tubes and wires. And I know that in order for him to eat, his positioning needs to be perfect so all he has to worry about is suck, swallow, breathe. Unfortunately, OT is delaying the swallow study until he has a few more successful attempts.

He also has been projectile vomiting in large volumes. He did not spit up at all with Neosure so I am going to blame it on the Enfaport. They insist that he really needs Enfaport. I plan on discussing it in detail with the nurse practitioner tomorrow.    

Throughout the entire day, AJ was super tired and fussy. There are just too many things going on around him and he does not want to miss a thing. In addition, I think the tubes are continually forcing him to be in pain so he would probably benefit from a higher dosage/frequency of pain medications. When he cries, nothing can soothe him. It hurts him to be picked up. It just breaks my heart to see him like that. I plan on going to bed early and trying to start fresh tomorrow...    

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