Wednesday, February 9, 2011

AJ is still on a small amount of oxygen. His eyes are still puffy so it is difficult for him to completely open them. His oxygen saturations have gone down a little but are still in the low to mid 90's. His color is great but when he cries his lips do turn blue again. He doesn't have his voice back yet. They decided to not take out his chest drainage tubes just yet. They plan on taking out 2 sometime tomorrow. Hopefully, he will be stable enough to breathe without oxygen, as well. The best news of the day is that I was finally able to hold him!! Although, it was quite an ordeal to get him out of the bed and into my arms. It took 2 nurses and myself to hold all the tubes and wires. To say the least, it was very uncomfortable for me but was amazing to be able to hold him again. It was almost like the first time that I held him all over again! :)

He also was running a fever today. He was given Tylenol to try to reduce it. They stated that since he had so much mucous sitting in and near his lungs, occasionally that can lead to a fever. They place a vibrator under his back and pat his chest and back to try to loosen the mucous. If he still has a fever tomorrow, they will run cultures to see if it is an infection. I really hope not, though.

If possible, they will take out his arterial line tomorrow too. Thus far, he has been tolerating his feedings very well. They are only giving him 20 cal formula and only a little over 2 ounces. Within a day or two, he should be back to normal feedings every four hours. The nurses were saying that if he continues in this direction, that he should be on the general PEDS floor in the next few days!

It is so funny how all of the nurses keep saying that even though he cannot talk, they know exactly what he likes and dislikes. His loud and strong personality are what has kept him here with us this long. He truly is our miracle baby and his angels are always by his side.

And just so everyone knows, I actually have been eating (not just snacks or junk food) and sleeping very well this visit. My confidence and reassurance from this medical staff has allowed me to do so.  :)

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